So Little Time, But So Much To Do!

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog! I hope you are having an amazing and beautiful day!

As these months passed by, it’s crazy to think that we are in June! June signifies my 3rd month of being in my single season, but it also means that it is the beginning of summer. Warm days and more time to explore southern California with my close peeps or even alone  with the fur babies. I’ve entered into a recent resurgence of  curiosity and exploration of local areas around me. I’ve also been open to creating new friendships within my church, which has definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone.

With summer finally being here, I have told myself that I need to check out a new location at least once a month and do something I’ve never done before. This can include a hike, a concert, hot spring, etc. Overall, the goal is to try something new that is not within a 15min radius.  My first stop was a little mountain in the desert called Salvation mountain, located in Calipatria, CA 92233.

Salvation Mountain was created by Leonard Knight, who experienced a revival in spirituality at the age of 31 and decided to dedicate his life to Jesus. His passion led him to spread a simple, yet powerful message, “God is Love”. He painted and created what is today called, Salvation Mountain. Filled with colorful words, verses and the message of Love. it is definitely recommended site to see. Roughly a 30 to 40min drive away from Palm Springs and you drive by the Salton Sea, another site to sea (get it, teeheehee).





Salvation Mountain was on my bucket list and I can finally check it off. It was an amazing experience going in person and seeing all of the hard work a man that had a passion for Christ. He must’ve spent hours, days and nights to create such a masterpiece to spread such a simple and awesome message of love. You have to add it to your list of things to see. If you live in California, I would say to go first thing in the morning to avoid the heat. We headed back home around 11am and the desert heat was starting to rise at 90 degrees. Also, stop by Palm Springs for a quick lunch, it will be a great way to explore 2 places in one trip. Also, it’s not a hike, you can park in front of the mountain and go dressed in casual sneakers. Of course, take plenty of water because of the heat and be careful driving out there, there is a two-lane road, which means drivers hop on to the opposite end of the road to pass you up.

This was the best way to kick off my summer of adventure. I got out and explored a new area and in turn, my coworker also got to get out of her bubble and explore something out of her 30min radius comfort zone. It was a great bonding experience for the both of us.

I have plenty of more adventures I want to go on. If you guys have any recommendations, please let me know! Also, if you have any suggestions of how I should right these particular blogs, less background, more background, do you want to know how to budget for these trips or events, let me know :).

Love you guys! Don’t forget, God bless you, Jesus loves you!

Moving Forward ->


Hello beautiful world! The sun (or the moon) is out and shining bright! You are amazing, beautiful and alive! Thought I would start this one with sending you guys some positive vibes!

Okay, it’s officially been one month of being single. I wanted to share my experience with you guys and hopefully be able to help you too. Or maybe you’ll be reading this and want to give me some tips on healing or simple life advice.

To be honest, I’m very happy to have gotten dumped. God truly has a plan for everyone and his for mine was go on this journey of singleness. I genuinely feel like a lost a part of myself being in a relationship and thought I needed to find myself. The truth is, I don’t need to find myself, I need to reinvent myself and strive to be a better version of me. To become who God has called me to be. It’s only been a month and I’ve seen a difference in myself spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Obviously, there’s still a lot of work that I have to do, but I’m being proactive and taking the steps to continue to heal and become a better me.

First I would like to say that I do not wish my ex any ill-will. I have love for him as person and hope he finds his happiness. He wasn’t a bad guy, he was like a pineapple. Rough on the outside but sweet on the inside. We were simply too different and it wasn’t meant to be.

Second, I’ll finally cut to the chase and give you a weekly summary of what I did to get better and end it with how I can continue to work towards reinventing myself. Again, if you have any advice or tips, feel free comment below and let me know!

Week 1: I spent Saturday morning and afternoon broken-hearted over what happened. Thankfully I was texting my college besties throughout the day and we had a heart to heart. They cheered me up and encouraged me to stay strong. All of my friends rallied around me and lifted me up. I would cry in the mornings on my way to work or in the evening, but I refused to bottle it in. I still had a lot of emotions that needed to be processed, I turned to journaling and lots of prayer. If you don’t want to talk others (I encourage talking to everyone, including your barrista), journaling is a healthy way to write down your raw emotions and get EVERYTHING off your chest. You can also write a letter and rip it up afterwards. I watched a lot of sermons and self-help blogs on broken hearts and how to move one. I’ll add the links to them at the end of this page. If you’re not spiritual, meditation was another recommendation those videos mentioned. Overall, find a way to process and let out all of your emotions, cry, yell, write, whatever you have to do, do it. Bottling in those emotions will not help you heal. I also decided incorporate more self-care. I bought some facial products, a scrub and I dyed my hair.

Week 2: One of the tips I came across when watching those videos/sermons was to detox and get rid of the negativity. I was already watching one a sermon a day, but after the breakup, I started watching 2 or 3, along with videos that discussed healing, breaking soul ties, how to be single and overall anything with a positive message that could help detox my mind from any negativity. I also started drinking one green smoothie a day to cleanse my body from all the dirt inside. I started going to church more and joined a small group. On top of all of this, I started working out more because it is a proven way to increase endorphins.  Listening to more positive things in my morning, drinking a green smoothie everyday, joining a church group and exercising made me feel stronger and like a layer of negativity shedded off me. Using the body scrub every night felt like I was scrubbing away the toxic stuff on my body. I started using a “detox” facial mask to clear up my skin, and homegirl started getting her nails did.

Week 3:  With a detox and self-care routine in place, I started changing my room and decided I wanted to get rid of a lot of clothing that I had by giving back. I met this really nice lady at church, she told me she visits the poor in TJ every week and gives them clothing and food. She asked for donations, I decided to run with her question, I donated half of my clothing and some blankets that my ex and I would snuggle up in. As for my room, I cleaned it up, washed my rug, bought an oil diffuser and bed set, giving it a bit of a revival. I continued to lean on God by praying, going to the church group and started fasting. Unfortunately, it was a hard week for me. I kept reminiscing about my relationship, the breakup and found myself even missing him at my low moments. However, I saw a picture of his pop up on my IG. Dude, I was so triggered. I want him to be happy, but I don’t want to know about it and I don’t want him to know about me. The past needs to stay in the past. I unfollowed and blocked him on there, spammed his email, and blocked him from my mom’s IG and his phone #. It felt empowering and gave me a weird emotional pick up. Like, “no, you have a purpose in this journey. You’re working so hard to get better. Keep up the hard work.”

Week 4: After struggling in week 3 and seeing how triggered I was Sunday night from seeing his photo, I decided to fast again. I fasted for 3 days and prayed for healing and for other things going with my family. I kept up my exercise routine, kept drinking green smoothies and matcha lattes, kept praying and my girls had my back the entire time. I feel that fasting helped me clear my mind and made me feel more renewed. I also started going on short jogs during lunch to clear my head a little more. This week went smoother than the 3rd week. The new routine has helped a lot, but having my faith, family, and friends really helped me. I told my coworker that part of journey was to spend time with my friends and family, to make up for lost times. Being in a relationship, it’s not you anymore, it’s them and their family too. So I am making up for lost time with the people that matter the most to me. Being surrounded by their genuine love and laughing at silly jokes/actions has really helped me emotionally and mentally.

What’s next: I’m going to keep drinking a green smoothie a day to help clean my body from the inside and keep up a healthy exercise routine to stay healthy. I’m glad to incorporate running into my workout regimen, it clears my head. Definitely need to continue doing this self-care stuff because it genuinely works. Journaling has also been amazing, I don’t do it every single day, but I try every few days just to reflect on my emotions and what’s been going on. Really interacting with this new church I go to and just leaning on God in general has really made some changes in my heart, so I decided to volunteer at church. I get to give back to the community and meet more people that have a similar belief. I will also continue to spend time with my friends and family because those are people that will be in my life forever. Men and women come and go, but family is forever. I also joined meetup so I can do activities with people around my age and try new things. Overall, I want to keep moving forward and improving myself. There’s no limit when God is by your side, but there definitely is no turning back. I feel more at peace with myself and much happier.

Videos that helped me: 

How to heal a broken heart

How God can bless a broken heart

How to heal from a broken heart – Heather Lindsey

Relationship Goals

Detox your life

Life detox 


Finding you worth in Christ

How to be single 

Soul surgery 


It’s Been A While

Hello beautiful world! It’s been a while since my last post in 2016. Unfortunately, life got the best of me and I kept putting this off. A quick recap of the past years:

  1. Lot’s of different jobs.
  2. Was basically unemployed for a year, because, you know the struggle. However God is good! He blessed me with a great opportunity.
  3. Got my Masters and good old student debt
  4. Fell in love, but now it’s back to the single life.
  5. Of course, lots of travel in between because that has become a true passion of mine.

Now that you’re caught up, let’s get to the reason of why I’m doing this. There’s people like me out there that are going through the same thing as I am. They are on a journey of self-discovery and self-love. I want to journal my new experiences and how they are helping me grow as a person whether it’s taking a trip to the Dominican Republic or finally doing affirmations every morning and seeing results. I want to be able to reach at least one person with my stories. Let’s go on this journey together :). Stay tuned for the next blog post I write! God bless ❤

Venturing out

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney

It’s March 2016 and so far, I can honestly say, I am sticking to my new years resolution of trying different things!

Towards the end of last year, I was blessed with the opportunity to live one of my dreams of traveling to Europe. I didn’t get to see the whole place, but I was just so freaking happy to go! The pictures above do not do it justice. Germany, Italy, Switzerland, France, and Austria were all so beautiful. The weather was something this Cali girl wasn’t used to but found a way to suck it up end get lost in the beauty of each location.

I was lucky enough to bring in the new year in Germany and promised myself that the new year would be filled with more adventures. Trying new things and simply getting out of my bubble. I realized that I am getting older and it’s about damn time that I change my old ways. Less club/bar hopping. More festivals, concerts, traveling, and random adventures!

As of now, I have been able to cross traveling off my list. I’m still trying to visit one more country by the end of the year. I saw one of my favorite bands perform live. I’ve also been to a festival where they throw colors at you. Not too shabby. Each new experience has made great memories. I want to look back at my 20’s and say, “Damn, you tried so many different things. Great job little one!”

I hope to continue to try new things and document them along the way. I know I’m not the only one out there that is trying to do more with their life. I need ideas. What are some things that you want to try? Something that you are afraid to do. Let’s go on this journey together and get out of our bubbles!



Curly Q Travels to Washington! Tips on how to make the best out of your trip!

my picture from the observatory!

My picture from the observatory!

Oh Washington! A state with lots of green trees, fresh air, and a distinct smell. Washington is definitely somewhere I would like to visit again, but explore the nature side of it. I was able to check out a little bit of the popular art scene and city life. This Cali girl can definitely say that Seattle, Washington wasn’t what she expected. I’m going to tell you about my observations and give you some tips on how to make the best out of your trip!

It’s time for Curly Q’s Observations:

Observation 1: If they are not going to work, people look like they are ready to go hiking or to the beach.

People dress very relaxedly. Sometimes you were able to tell the difference between the tourist and the locals. The locals are very laid back and in their own world. I ended up giving in and dressed like I was going to a yoga class on my last day out there. Not going to lie, I felt comfortable and could walk for miles!

check out their website

check out their website

Observation 2: Starbucks is everywhere!

Seattle, Washington is known for their love of coffee and for introducing the world to Starbucks! However, every street has like two or three Starbucks. There was a Starbucks in front of a Starbucks on Capitol Hill. I chose to skip Starbucks and tried the local coffee shops. A bit more expensive, but definitely worth it! I recommend trying the “Mystery Mocha” at Ghost Alley Espresso. Every mocha is prepared differently and the staff is really nice!

Observation 3: People are in their own little world.

Most of the people I encountered were in their bubble and introverts. Aside from the people in Fremont. The people that were really nice to me were people that moved to Washington from San Francisco. The people in downtown Seattle, in my personal opinion, came off as introverts.

Observation 4: Fremont is awesome!

I thought it was like a little town outside of Seattle because it gives off a different vibe compared to downtown Seattle. I was wrong. Fremont is an artsy neighborhood. The self-proclaimed “Center of the Universe”, Everywhere you turn there is some form of art. The locals are very nice. They really helped me out when I got lost on my one-woman adventure.

Troll under the Fremont Bridge

Troll under the Fremont Bridge



Observation 5: Art is everywhere!

Whether it’s in Fremont or downtown Seattle, you will encounter a lot of art. Pike Market Place seemed to have a majority of the art I saw in downtown Seattle. As I mentioned in observation 4, Fremont is filled with art. It’s great to see the different forms of art scattered throughout the city of Seattle.






It’s Time for CurlyQ’s Tips!: 

Tip 1: Plan ahead of time! 

Traveling within the states is no different than traveling out of the country. If you’re on a budget, start planning how much money you want to put towards food, souvenirs, transportation, etc. I had an idea of how much I wanted to spend out there. I might have gone over my estimated limit by like $10 or $20, but that’s not too bad.

Also, if you travel with someone, it’s better if you guys have a similar budget. Traveling on a budget is one thing, but traveling on someone else’s tighter budget is completely different.

It’s easier to sit down, make a plan of what you want to do and how much the both of you will need.

Tip 2: Use their local public transit system!

You save more money if you use their metrolink and bus system! We used a combination of Uber, Lyft, their Bus system, and their Metrolink System.

Check out the bus fare and metrolink fare before you travel. For Seattle, the one-day metrolink pass cost $5 and could be used on one of the two bus systems they have. The bus system costs around $3. They give you a ticket that lets you go on their buses for the rest of the day. Google maps will give you the bus schedule and tell you which buses you need to take.

Uber and Lyft definitely come in handy. However, you need to be careful with their drivers. Not only are there crazy stories right now, but sometimes these drivers try to take advantage of the tourist by taking the longer road or getting “lost”. The good thing about both services is that they will give you back your money if you tell them a driver over-charged you. Overall, they are both good companies, just need to be careful with the drivers.

Tip 3: Look at the bright side when things don’t go your way!

Don’t focus on the negatives. One of the reasons I was able to stay positive and constantly looked on the bright side was due to the fact that I spent money to go on this trip and Seattle was on my traveler’s bucket list! 😀

On my adventure, my friend and I took a 30 minute walk to a nearby market and accidentally turned it into a 3 hour walk to find the metrolink. Walking for three hours sucked. On the bright side, it was a workout, I saw a different part of Seattle, and I saw a man in drag in broad daylight.

I also got lost by myself in Fremont. I didn’t panic, I walked into a DVD store and asked the guy for directions. He was nice enough to direct me. I got to see a different side of Fremont, I found the statue I was looking for, and ended up at flee market afterward.

I also used their public transportation system by myself. Of course with the help of Google Maps, I was able to get to my destinations.

Tip 4: Try their local food!

I regret not trying their seafood. I kept hearing about how great and fresh their seafood was. Unfortunately, by the time I got to Pike Market Place, I was already full or had completely forgotten to buy food there.

I did check out their local coffee shops and tried their local ice cream. There flee market had a section that showcased their local ice cream, sandwiches, etc. The ice cream I tried was delicious and very fresh. I didn’t know that’s what mint tastes like.

Forget going to the national chains. I refused to buy Starbucks because there are two by my house. I didn’t travel to drink or buy food that I can get by my house.

It’s an adventure and a perfect time to get out of your comfort zone!

Tip 5: Get lost and Have Fun!

I have to say the best day for me was my last day. I took off on my own, went to Pike Market Place and Fremont.

20150809_140114 Pike Market Place, or the Public Market, was fun to explore. It’s filled with dozens of little shops and a lot of yummy smelly food. It’s also super crowded. However, there are areas that give you breathing room, one of them is the gum wall. The gum wall is filled with gum, letters, and artwork. The pictures are under “my observations”. The Post Alley also has an area where you can sit down and look at the water across the Market Place.

I took the bus to Fremont and was thrown somewhere above my original destination. That was completely my fault because I put “Fremont Seattle” on my GPS.

However, it turned out to be an adventure. I passed through the area that has all of the cute little shops, I saw my statues, and later discovered a trail next to a river. It was a beautiful trail and I had a pet duck for 20 minutes. It was peaceful and I got to see a different side to Fremont.

If you get lost, do it during the daytime. I wouldn’t recommend getting lost at night. Crazy people are everywhere.

20150809_163240   20150809_154009


For those experienced travelers, what are some tips that you might have for those of us that are beginning?

Did I miss out on any landmarks or events in Seattle Washington?

To travel in my 20’s


“I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

To be able to hop on a plane and jet off to an unfamiliar land, would be best feeling in the world. Yes! I rather feel a combination of curiosity, a lot of excitement, and a tiny dash of uneasiness. We know it’s not fun if you don’t add just a tiny dash of drama.

I’ve been reading a lot of blogs, i.e. Expert Vagabond, and their travel adventures. I’ve been left with this feeling in my heart. I must travel and explore what this world has to offer. There is so much out there in this world and we can’t see it through a screen. It’s not the same as experiencing it. This world can teach us so much!


Growing up, I’ve always been fascinated with traveling! I passed up my Quince so I could go to Paris, France! Unfortunately, my parents weren’t thrilled of shipping their 15 year old daughter off to a foreign country by herself. Paris would have to wait!. That never stopped me from dreaming and fantasizing about traveling to different countries, connecting with the locals, taking in the beautiful scenery, trying new food, and simply living life to the fullest!

I’ve imagined myself digging up old Egyptian artifacts sitting in the Coliseum eating Gelato. I’ve even imagined myself taking a walk on the warm beaches of El Salvador with my family. I’ve never stopped dreaming about traveling to different parts of the world.


Now I can stop dreaming and actually get out there and do it! It hasn’t been the easiest journey to finally get here, but I am happy that I am finally able to pursue my ultimate dream of travel.

I decided to spend a little money and go on a group tour with EF College Break. I rather go on a tour with people around my age for my first major trip than to backpack through Europe and risk getting lost. Not only will I come back with amazing memories from Italy, Germany, Switzerland, I hope to come back with awesome traveling companions. It would be great to pick a country or even a state and say, “:Hey let’s meet in London England next fall!”.

I’m also excited to say that I start my travel adventures next week! It will be a short trip to Seattle Washington, but definitely excited to leave Cali for a few days and explore a different area! I can check that state of my U.S.A. traveler’s bucket list!

yyAt the moment I don’t know any travel tips, other than don’t forget your passport and respect different cultures. However, these are a few blogs that can hook you up with great travel tips!

  1. Expert Vagabond
  2. Tortuga Backpacks
  3. The EveryWhereIsIt
  4. Wandering Trader
  5. Budget Travel

Let me know what advice you might have for newbie traveler! What are some trip ideas or some tips you have for someone who is new to the traveling world? What are great websites to check out that can help us?